Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Still having fun on day 101...

Today we worked on stringing necklaces.... nine cheerios, one fruit loop, nine cheerios, one fruit loop, ten times... to get to 100.
 We had the chance to fill in the missing numbers on a 100 chart.
We learned about multiplication today. 
We figured out that we needed to make 20 handprints to get 100 fingers.
We played a game where you had to roll a die and then color in that number of squares on the 100 chart.  Whoever colored in the most squares won.

 Nine cheerios, one fruit loop..... almost there!!
 Five, ten, fifteen, twenty....
Just having fun together!!

What a day!

Alan Shawn Feinstein visited our school yesterday.  He spoke to the children about the good work they do everyday.  He thanked them for being Feinstein Jr. Scholars.

In between our special visitor and Zimriyah rehearsal we managed to squeeze in some 100th day activities...  we put together a 100 chart, we hunted for Hershey kisses that had numbers on the bottom and we had to find the matching number on the 100 chart, we talked about our collections and gave out awards and celebrated with a cupcake for snack!  We will continue our 100th day fun for the remainder of the week!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Snow Buddies

In preparation for a meeting with our buddies, the kindergarten children made snowmen using a balloon and white paint.  By pressing on the balloon with varying pressure they were able to make 3 different size snowballs.  Once dried, we were able to decorate the "Snow Buddies" with our fourth grade friends. Using yarn, feathers, buttons and beans, the children enjoyed working with their buddies!!

A Special Visitor

Kelila's grandma came to read the children a story.  Being a math teacher, she chose 365 Penguins by Jean-Luc Fromenthal.  This hilarious, oversize picture book integrates challenging math concepts and environmental concerns into a clever narrative.  It is sure to be a perennial favorite! 

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Kindergarten Tree House/Loft project

Thank you to all of the children, teachers, and parents who have been working very hard to complete this project...  We are getting there!  Kudos to Ilana for having the vision to see it in her mind and then to make it happen for the children.

Phonics Phones

The children are enjoying using our new Phonics phones.  These simple hollow tubes allow the student to speak quietly in one end and hear their own voice through the other. Students use the ‘phone’ to listen to their own voice as they practice reading. This device allows students to better ‘hear’ themselves when they speak quietly.