Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Coupon Cutting Center Open Today

To practice using scissors, we opened a Coupon Cutting Center.  The children were shown how to "cut on the dotted lines" around the coupon.  They loved it and wanted to take their coupons home!  We will do this activity on occasion.  If you have any coupon pages from the Sunday paper that you could send in for us to cut, we would appreciate it.  Just wanted to let you know why the children might come home with coupons in their backpack.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Big Math for Little Kids

We will begin our Math program next week.  In the first unit What Are Numbers? the key concepts and skills that the students will learn are: counting sequence, cardinality, and ordinality. Every unit has a storybook.  There is a take-home version for each student to share with their families at the end of the unit.  I used this program last year.  It is wonderful!  Watch for the Family Letter that will come home in your child's folder.  This will give you some background information about the number concepts your child will be exploring in school.    

Journey with us on Reading Street

We started work on our new Language Arts Series this week.  It is fantastic.   I will explain more about it at Open School Night on Wednesday, October 6th! 
Or you could visit the website to check it out. 

Colors All Around Us

We have completed our review of colors!  The children enjoyed making their own book about rainbow colors.  Be sure to keep it in a special place so that the children can "read" it again and again.  We discussed primary and secondary colors.  We experimented by mixing paints to make new colors.  We also mixed colored water.  It was magical for the students.  If you have food coloring at home, make red, yellow and blue water and then have your child experiment and explain it to you!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


We're off to a great start in Kindergarten!  We've been doing "get-to-know-you" activities, and we have a wonderful group of students.  Please check in regularly, as I will be updating this blog every few weeks or so.   If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at Marie Lyons