Tuesday, June 14, 2011

A special visitor in Kindergarten today!

 Alan Shawn Feinstein

What a cast of characters...

Favorite Book Day was great!
From the Cat in the Hat to Pippi Longstocking, the children did a fantastic job presenting their books.
Thank you for helping make this a special day for the children.

Take a bow!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

The fruits of our labor....

 Enjoying our buddies and our book!

 Reading together...
 Page by page...

Kindergarten and Grade Five collaborated on this fabulous book.
The children had so much fun working with their buddies
on this year-long project. 
If you did not order one, copies are still available.
An order form went home in your child's folder.

Dear Parents, Grandparents and Friends of Kindergarten,

As this year comes to a close I wanted to take this opportunity to say thank you for all of your help this year.  You have no idea how valuable your extra pair of hands has been.  From volunteering weekly to help in the classroom, presenting fabulous science experiences, being a room parent, or chaperoning one of our field trips, our year was much richer and fuller thanks to all of your kindness.

I hope you and your family have a wonderful summer!
Thank you again for all of your help and support.

Dear Parents,
As we head off for summer fun, please keep sight words in mind.  Look for them in books, on posters, signs, or even at the grocery store.

If you help your child master these words and know them by sight, then he or she will be able to focus on the more important content words.  Reading will be more interesting, enjoyable and more successful!

Many of these words follow few spelling or pronunciation rules and cause children great difficulty when they begin to read.

Practice at breakfast or before bedtime, but always keep the practice quick and fun.  Helping your child practice their sight words on a daily basis will make a dramatic difference as they begin to read.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

First Grade Here We Come....

Our dramatic play area is set up to look like a first grade classroom.

Everyone wants to be the teacher...

Kindergarten News

Dear Parents,

How fast the year did go! I can hardly believe we will say goodbye for the summer in a few short weeks. It has been a magical year filled with many opportunities for learning, growing and gaining self-confidence. I would like to take this moment to express how very much I have enjoyed working and learning with your children this year. They are bright, charming and quite endearing, to say the least!

Upcoming Kindergarten events to note…

• Tuesday, June 14th – Favorite Book Day presentations at 10 a.m.

As summer approaches, the children look forward to well-deserved playtime. However, we know that students often lose much of what they were taught during the year. Here are some things you may want to try to encourage out-of-school learning.

• Encourage your child to keep a journal of summer activities; draw pictures and write sentences.

• Reading has been called a keyhole skill; it opens the door to all academic endeavors.  If you only have time to choose one thing from this list, make READING be your choice!

• Provide opportunities for number writing and counting.

• Bake a cake from scratch with your child. Let them help you follow the directions and measure out all of the ingredients.

• Spin a globe and pick a place to research. Help your child find interesting things about the place. For example, you might figure out how far away it is, what time it is there, and the language spoken there.

• Grow a vegetable garden. Keep an observation book to record what is happening in the garden as it grows.

• Plan a trip to a children’s museum, an art museum, or a science museum.

• Be a tourist for a day and visit historical places of interest in your area.

• Visit your public library. Find out about the reading program being offered this summer. Have your child get a library card.

Childhood is the most beautiful of all life’s seasons.

~Author Unknown