Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Our visit to the grocery store...

Our trip to Whole Foods Market was so much fun! 
We continue to learn about community helpers and how the work they do helps everyone who lives in a community.  The children were told about many activities and events that Whole Foods participates in as part of their community out-reach. 
We were lucky enough to be at the store on America Recycles Day.  Aviv brought in 2 backpacks to donate/recycle to the "Backpacker" program which provides food and supplies to needy children. 
Thank you, Aviv! 
We learned that much of the produce Whole Foods sells comes from local growers. The colors of the fruits and vegetables were amazing!  The children were treated to a delicious and nutritious snack of fresh fruits. They each made a fruit kabob and got to "eat the rainbow".  It was a fun experience for the children.  Thank you to our moms, Sandra and Lisa, for chaperoning this field trip. 

From the floral department to the bakery, the children enjoyed learning about what happens at a grocery store.

We learned about the importance of "eating the rainbow".

This was our guide... Bonnie.  She is the Marketing Team Leader.

We learned about honey bees and the important work they do.
We loved looking at all of the yummy treats in the bakery case.

And finally, making a rainbow kabob.  Red, orange, yellow....




Bonnie had goody bags for us to take home.
We talked about the importance of recycling everyday.

Thank you Whole Foods Market!!

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